5 Tips to Fight Overwhelm and Get More Hours in Your Day

by | May 28, 2020 | Blog

If we can all agree on one thing, it is that COVID-19 has really rocked our world. We’ve gone from normal life to safer-at-home orders to now adjusting to what most are calling our “new normal” during a worldwide pandemic

If you’re a business owner, you’ve been scrambling to make your business viable through the changes and still keep your employees and clients/customers safe.

If you’re a parent, you’ve been busy helping teach and care for your children 24 hours a day.

Maybe you have turned you into an amateur Marie Kondo, because you got tired of seeing all of your stuff. Now you’re tired with piles of things that don’t spark joy.

COVID-19 not only has made us think about our safety, it has also had a ripple effect that has made us all busier. Did you think it was possible? We didn’t. But, even through the constant changes, together, we can tackle the busyness and find that peace and happiness we’ve been longing for. Here’s how:

How To Be Less Busy

Say No to the Multi in Multitasking

We live in a world that basically tells us if we aren’t multitasking, we aren’t getting things done. Well, that simply isn’t true. When you focus on one thing at a time, you’ll end up getting it done faster and with fewer mistakes due to distraction.

The only types of scenarios we can say this probably isn’t valid are if you are starting a load of laundry. You don’t have to wait until you can fold your clothes before you start something new.

Daily to-Dos Matter

Take a few moments each night to plan and prioritize the following day. Make a list of the items that need immediate completion and make sure they top your list. If other tasks, projects, or chores can wait, they should. It’s important to do this the night before so that you can start each day refreshed and ready to tackle the day.

Delegate the Tasks You Don’t Have Time For

This is probably the easiest and most important way to limit how busy your days are. Whether you are in your home or office, there are tasks you can delegate to someone else. Hiring an assistant is a great way to get more done in less time.

We understand delegating isn’t something everyone is comfortable with, but it is easier than you think. The first step is learning how to be a delegator; click here to get started.

Just Say No

No matter how many Nike commercials you’ve seen, sometimes just do it doesn’t apply. When your days, nights, and weekends are full, you have to say that simple two-letter word, no. We promise it is okay to decline. If saying no is too difficult, offer to schedule something at a later date.

Schedule Time for You

If you live by your calendar, then now is the time to schedule some time for you. A little bit of peaceful alone time to work on yourself is needed every day. That may seem overwhelming at first, but taking time to enjoy a cup of coffee outdoors, read your current book, or a short meditation session will bring you the calm you are searching for.

All of these tips will help you have more time with your family and friends, doing the things you enjoy. The key point from this post is to be intentional and mindful of your time. We all have the same amount of hours in the day, so stop overextending yourself.

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