10 Time-Saving Hacks You Can Start Today

by | Jul 23, 2020 | Blog

As our days get busier and busier, it may feel like it is almost impossible to check anything (forget everything) off of your to-do list. You’ve probably heard things like you just need to improve your time management skills or you just don’t focus enough. But, improving those things require practice and won’t instantly get you more time to do the things you love.

At LifeSquire, we are big fans of helping people get more time every day, but we are also fans of getting more done with the time we have. That’s why, for this post, we consulted the time-saving experts to share ten easy hacks to can get more time today.

Go to Sleep on Time

Yep, you read it. Set a bedtime and stick to it as much as you can. Without adequate sleep, you’ll be struggling as soon as the alarm goes off. You’ll likely hit snooze once, twice, maybe three times before rolling out of bed. By then, the time you allotted for your morning routine can turn into a mad dash that may leave you running out of the door without your coffee. With a proper amount of sleep, you’ll wake feeling refreshed and can start your morning energized instead of scrambling. Well spent mornings equal better days.

Create Your Grocery List as You Go

How many times have you opened up your pantry and stared blankly, trying to remember all of the items you need to get at the store? Sure, you’ll see items that are missing, but there is still, a chance you will forget something. Stop making return trips to the store because you forgot you used all of the tea when you create a grocery list as you go. When you use an item or are running low, add the item to your list. Your return trips to the store will decline, as long as you don’t forget your list.

Streamline Your Cleaning

It may not seem like much, but there is a lot of wasted time walking back and forth to get new cleaning supplies when you move from one room to the next. Stop the cleaning supply pacing when you create a cleaning bucket. Fill the bucket with a variety of cleaning supplies you will need throughout your home. Carry it from room to room and get more done in less time.

Follow the 2-Minute Rule

If you have a task, like replying to an email, that will take two minutes or less, do it right then. Putting that task off until later and trying to remember to complete it will cause unnecessary stress, and consume more of your time. Get the task knocked out quickly and enjoy the peace-of-mind that follows.

Don’t Be Available All of the Time

Did you know that for every distraction, even if it is just seeing a text or a phone call, it takes approximately 23 minutes to get focused again? Wow! Talk about a time waster. It seems these days we feel lost without our phones, but when it comes time to focus, it’s best to limit your availability. Stop feeling like you need to answer each call or reply to every text the minute they pop up; you can always respond later. If you can’t resist temptation, put your phone out of reach and check it when you take a break.

Never Walk Empty-Handed

When you look around your home, there is always something that isn’t in its proper place. When you put your Netflix binge on pause to get a snack or something else, make your trip more productive. Grab a misplaced item in your path and put it away as you go.

Always Have a to-Do List

Having a to-do list is important, but don’t just make it a list of the things you have to get done at some point. This will feel overwhelming. Instead, create a to-do list the night before of the tasks you need to accomplish the following day. Think realistically, and don’t overfill your cup.

Get Organized

When your desk or home is cluttered, you may spend more time looking for the items you need rather than completing the tasks. So put down that magnifying glass Sherlock, and start finding a home for all of your items. You’ll feel better with an organized home, and your items won’t go missing as easily.

Ignore Your Inbox

Emails don’t stop, but you have to. Schedule a few times throughout your day to check your inbox, but don’t let email follow you home. You may not realize it, but checking your work email during downtime has the potential to ruin your evening and keep you from doing the things you need to do. Instead, check it before you leave the office for the day and stick to that personal boundary. It may seem difficult at first, but you’ll quickly realize the world won’t end if you don’t check your email after dinner or before bed.

Outsource When You Can

And our last time-saving hack is to outsource the tasks you do not have time for. The easiest way to clear up your schedule is to stop doing so much. We don’t mean skipping happy hour with your friends or putting off a weekend hike with your children, we mean getting rid of the tasks that don’t require you to do them. It’s time to start outsourcing tasks like grocery shopping, laundry, errand running, and more. Without those items on your list, you’ll have more time for you.

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