8 ways to make moving into a new home a breeze

by | May 17, 2018 | Blog, LifeSquire, Lifestyle, Tips

Now that you have found your new place, it’s time to start packing for the big move. Overwhelming right? Even though it sounds like a daunting task, you can get your house packed one box at a time.

Not sure where to start? This is where we come in. Packing isn’t just about throwing your stuff into a box to get it from one place to another. Instead, there are a lot of tricks out there to make your move easier. We thought we would share some of our favorites with you.

Tips to make moving into your new home easier

We need you, first

Don’t lose your important, need right now, items in a sea of boxes. Consider using clear plastic bins to pack your immediate need items. Using the bins will separate the important stuff from the decorations so that you don’t spend hours hunting for your toilet paper. Pack these bins with items like phone chargers, eating and cooking utensils, important cookware, toilet paper, tools, and other items you will need right after the move. 

Mostly shatterproof

Save money on newspaper and bubble wrap by using your clothes to wrap all of your breakables. You can also use clean socks to wrap to wrap your glasses and stemware.  Also, for added safety, stack your plates vertically like you do in the dishwasher. It helps keep them from breaking.

Who? What? Where?

When packing your boxes, you want to make sure you label them with the items in the box, who the box belongs to, and what room the box goes in. Consider purchasing different colored tape to help make the rooms more distinguishable when unloading. Correct labeling will help the unpacking and organizing a breeze.  

Unpack by room

All of your boxes will be stacked up and in your way, and this may cause you a bit of anxiety.  But when it comes to unpacking, make sure you unpack by room. Doing this will make the unpacking process much easier and give you a greater feeling of satisfaction than just randomly unpacking boxes.

Saran wrap to the rescue

Avoid the dreaded leakage by using a little saran wrap. Open up your toiletries and liquid items. Take a piece of saran wrap and place it over the opening of the bottle. Replace the lid on the product, and it will help keep the liquids where they belong.

Think outside the bag

Don’t spend time taking your clothes off of the hanger, folding them, and then putting them into a box. Instead, grab some trash bags and slide them over a bundle of clothes hanging on the rod. Tie the bag at the top, and it will make your clothes easy to transport.

Luggage is your friend

We all have those heavy items or items that are an awkward shape making them almost impossible to pack. This is where your luggage comes in handy. If you need to pack something that just won’t fit in a box or would be easier to transport on wheels, put it in your luggage.  Your items will stay safe, and they will be easier to move.

Pack an overnight bag

Don’t get stuck without a toothbrush or a pair of pajamas. When you get into your new home, your stuff will be spread all over the house. Instead of spending hours trying to find your necessities, pack an overnight bag. Also, try to get in the house and clean your kitchen and bathroom before the move. That way you can have a nice long shower after all of the hard work.

If you need an extra hand when it comes to packing and unpacking,  our LifeSquires have the tape and sharpies ready to help. Contact us for more information on moving services.

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